Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What Happened To Buzz? Update

So what happened to Buzz?  For those of you that forgot, Buzz was our pet caterpillar that turned himself into a chrysalis.

I am sad to say nothing happened to Buzz.   He is still a chrysalis. He is hanging on by a thread.  I think he might soon be a dead chrysalis or already is one.  He should have came out by now. Right? How long should I wait?  I think I should take him to the vet.  He may need open chrysalis surgery.        


  1. I think some of them winter over and emerge in the spring. I know that can happen with praying mantis. Gramma B

    1. I did some research and I am getting two different answers. Some say that it only takes a week or two before they turn into a butterfly and some say they will emerge in the spring. I guess I'll just wait and see! Bumble wants to see a butterfly! Thanks for your comment! - Queen Bee
