Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Sugar Cookie Story

There once was a wounded deer in the forest. The deer cried out, "Oh dear! Deer! Where are you dear?"

The wounded deer's husband heard his wifes cries and ran as fast as he could to see what the problem was.

"I have been wounded and have lost my leg," the deer told her dear. "Please can you look for it and bring it back to me.  I am useless without my leg.  Please hurry. I have nowhere to go if it should rain, dear." So off her dear went to look for the lost leg.

After hours of searching he spotted the missing leg among a pumpkin patch. 

But before he could pick it up a squirrel came and snatched it up. "Oh dear!" the deer thought, "I must get my dear's leg back."

The deer went up to the squirrel and explained the situation to him. "Oh nuts!" the squirrel said. "I wish I could keep it but will return it as I know how much your dear must mean to you." So the squirrel handed over the leg.

The deer ran back home as fast as his legs could carry him.

He attatched the missing leg for his dear.

They lived happily ever after in the pumpkin patch. What a lovely couple they were, the deer and his dear!

The end!

1 comment:

  1. wade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!May 1, 2013 at 8:52 PM

    I would have eaten the leg if I where the deer's dear.
