Friday, March 29, 2013

Baking With Bumble: Iced Sugar Cookies Part 1

If you are a regular reader of this blog you may remember that Bumble made Iced Sugar Cookies last fall.  She had so much fun I decided to let her make some again, but this time the cookie cutters she used have a spring theme.
Here are the ingredients the cookie mix called for...
You didn't think I was going to make these from scratch did you?  Here Bumble is adding the egg to the mixture. 

I should probably explain why Bumble is wearing a pretty dress to make cookies.  She was playing fashion show prior to us making these.  (I think she may have learned this from her older cousins.)When she plays fashion show she puts on one dress after another and models them for me.  This just happens to be the one she was wearing when I was ready to make cookies.  I didn't make her change! 
Now back to the cookies.  Next, stir the batter.  Bumble took the picture below. Since I am hardly ever pictured on this blog I told her to take a picture of me stirring the batter.  Apparently she didn't think my face was important enough to include.   

Then roll out the dough on a floured surface.

Here she is using the cookie cutters to make pretty shapes.

Then place the cookies on a cookie sheet and bake in the oven according to package directions.

Next Bumble will decorate them.  You will have to check back for that though, because I must check to see what all the racket in my kitchen is about...

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