Saturday, March 23, 2013

Stinger's Close Shave

I decided to give Stinger his second haircut yesterday.  It did NOT go well.  I am still mourning the loss of his pretty blonde hair.  This past week Stinger took his battery powered Thomas train and ran it through his hair.  The train was running and his hair wrapped around the wheels.  I had to cut the train out taking some hair with it.  Maybe that is why I thought I had to cut his hair yesterday.  It started with a little trim and then it happened.  Stinger would not sit still and I chopped off a little too much.  It didn't look right. I eventually had to get out the electric trimmers and cut it that way.  So here is my shaved boy...
He looks fine but I loved his long blonde hair.  I am still kicking myself for trying to do it myself.  I am taking comfort in the fact that hair grows back.  Sorry Stinger.  I promise your signature golden locks will be back soon!    

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