Monday, March 4, 2013

Everything But The Kitchen Sink

One of my readers will recognize this sink because it is hers.  While she is turning red and laughing you all can keep reading!!   
See how her sink sparkles and shines!   Check out its depth and width!  Look at those fancy features!

 I always oooooh! and ahhhhhh! over other peoples sinks because for the last 9 1/2 years I have been dealing with this...
and this...
My sink is 5 1/2" deep and that is being generous.  I have seen sinks in play kitchens deeper than mine!

Why don't you just put them in your dishwasher you say?  Well, the only dishwasher I spy in our hive is me.  That is why in our new hive I "upgraded" the sink, and '"splurged" on my very first dishwasher. I think after nine and half years I deserve it! I have also instructed Honey that when we move we are to take everything but the kitchen sink! 

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