Thursday, March 14, 2013

"Mommy, What Can I Learn?"

     I hear the question, "Mommy, what can I learn?" from Bumble about twice a day.  I also hear lots of inquisitive questions like, "Mommy, how does the vacuum work?" and my personal favorite "What holds the car together when daddy drives fast?"  Most of the time I try to answer the best I can. One of the subjects we are working on now is the solar system.  This past week I decided we would learn about planets.   The problem was that the worksheets at contradict themselves.  Some of the worksheets say there are eight planets and some say there are nine.  If I remember correctly when I went to school there were nine.  Did one disappear?  Does anyone have any kids in school that has learned about planets and would be able to answer this?  I decided to teach Bumble that there are nine planets.  I hope some teacher years from now doesn't call me and tell me there are eight planets and that my daughter won't believe her.  When Bumble learns something that is how it is.  There is no changing it!    Anyway, after showing her all the planets Bumble did have one question.  "Mommy, what planet does God live on?"  So, it turns out that I am am the one with homework tonight.  Tonight I will read my vacuum manual before bed, tell daddy to stop driving so fast, and try to figure out how to explain to a four year old where God lives.  I am starting to realize before I teach Bumble anything else I better "planet" more in detail first!


  1. Hate to tell you, but there are eight planets now. I want to say Pluto is now a star (that could be questionable). I hope Bumble is ok with this!

    1. Thank you, teacher friend! So Mercury really is the smallest planet now? I will have to update Bumble. Hopefully it's not too late!
