Monday, March 18, 2013

Stinger's Story

     Hopefully, you have all enjoyed getting to know Stinger a little better on this blog.  As you know his energy level keeps me on my toes!  I thought however, it was time to express some concerns I have for Stinger now that he is almost 19 months old. 
     Stinger was born a healthy baby boy, but from early on I knew he was just a "different" baby.  Stinger would never look at me when I fed him when he was a baby.  He would often cry if I looked at him.  Stinger was also a sensitive baby.  He did not like to be held. When I took him out to other family members homes or to church he often would be fussy and not content.  Stinger was a light sleeper.  He would wake up at odd hours and want to play.  He would nap during the day but never for long periods of time.  Stinger also was not interested in toys when he was younger.  He would wander from room to room and always have to be on the go.  Despite all this, Stinger rolled over, crawled, and walked very early and met all his milestones that he was supposed to meet.
     About two months ago, I took Stinger off of the bottle.  When I did this it seemed like he didn't want milk anymore.  He would push it away when I put it in a cup.  He went several days without milk.  This is the best thing that could have ever happened though because I noticed a big change in Stinger.  He was more willing to sit and play.  He would look at me more.  He seemed more "present".  For the first time in his life he slept through the night and took a three hour nap during the day!   He even puts himself to sleep now!  I now think Stinger has some kind of allergy to milk and I do not give milk to him anymore.    
     As of today, Stinger does not talk or babble. He makes noises but does not say "mama" or "dada". I have heard him make the "d", "m", "b", and "h" sounds, but even this is not everyday. He will not turn his head when his name is called.  Stinger still does not like to be held or cuddled very much and still does not make a lot of eye contact.  He seems to be bothered by background noise and I have seen him pull on his ears and even hit them from time to time when he gets uncomfortable.
     Because of all this I have contacted the Early Intervention program in our area.  In April a therapist will meet with Stinger and see whether or not he has a 25% or more communication/speech developmental delay.  If he does we will start speech therapy.  I am also concerned that he might have a sensory disorder related to sound and plan on looking into this as well. 
    Despite all this Stinger has an overall "sweetness" about him.  He always will smile and laugh at silly things.

Stinger at 8 months

Hopefully with changes in diet and some outside help Stinger will be communicating and be able to feel comfortable in his surroundings.  So please pray for Stinger and the Bee family as we try to help our little Stinger.  I would just love to hear what he has to say someday!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this! We'll be praying for you.
    - From one of the many Great Aunt Bees
