Friday, April 26, 2013

An Ode To A Mobile Home

An Ode To A Mobile Home
by a reminiscing Queen Bee
O Mobile Home how I will miss thee!
 You made a wonderful hive for my family.
I will miss your small spaces and all the tight places,
found in this trailer size 14x70.

O Mobile Home how I will miss thee!
 Your "crawlspace" I hope never to see.
It's housed raccoons and wild cats, 'possums and rats,
I screamed many times upon entry!

O Mobile Home how I will miss thee!
Your kitchen was really your specialty.
From your tiny kitchen sink where we filled many drinks,
O how I will miss your efficiency!

O Mobile Home how I will miss thee!
Your rooms hold many a memory.
Its where Stinger and learned to walk and Bumble learned to talk,
O I am not sure I want to leave thee!

O Mobile Home how I will miss thee!
Unfortunately we're selling thee for a small fee.
Whoever moves in will keep you neat as a pin,
and will begin their own special memory!

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