The Bee's did not have a very good Easter. In fact, Bumble and Stinger's Easter outfits never made it out of the closet. Bumble and Stinger spent most of the day in their pajamas as the stomach flu came down upon our hive Saturday evening. Honey was the only one of us that made it to church. He only went to Sunday school though because, well, he is the teacher!
This stomach virus thing is not pretty. I will spare you the details of the many diaper and outfit changes I did the last couple of days, but I am sure it was in the double digits. The throw ups started Saturday night for Bumble and I knew something was up with Stinger when he did not wake up Sunday morning at his usual predictable time. I checked on him many times Sunday morning to make sure he was still breathing! He finally woke up at 9:30AM! Bumble was up much earlier because she couldn't sleep. It is Wednesday now and thankfully for the most part we are all better. Yesterday I gave them much needed baths and then we FINALLY colored the hard boiled eggs that were sitting in my refrigerator for days!
In case you are behind in your Easter traditions like we are, here is how to color eggs for Easter.
First you will need some hard boiled eggs, vinegar, and some food coloring.
Start by boiling 1/2 cup of water for every color you plan on making. We did five different colors so I boiled 2 1/2 cups of water.
Next, put 1 teaspoon of vinegar in each of the five bowls. Bumble did this part.
Stinger wanted to help too...
but I thought he would do better observing in his high chair...
After the water boils add 1/2 cup of the water to each of the bowls. Then add about 8-10 drops of food coloring to make the colors you want. Then stir. Next add an egg to each bowl and drizzle the colored water over the egg.
If the observer in the high chair gets cranky, give him the food coloring bottles to play with. Just make sure the lids are on tight and that he doesn't know how to open them.
Here are our pretty eggs soaking in the pretty colors. The eggs need to stay in the bowls about 5-10 minutes.
When they are done put them on something to dry. I use aluminum foil because the eggs will not stick to it.
If the observer in the high chair gets cranky again get him out and take a picture of his cute face.
When all the eggs are colored let your child play with the left over dyed water. It's a lot of fun!
Here are our finished colored Easter eggs.
I hope your Easter was better than ours. Maybe today we will go on an Easter egg hunt outside if it is not too cold. I won't tell Bumble and Stinger yet though because they would get too "egg"cited!
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