Honey knew how much I loved the Anne of Green Gables books and videos so for our fifth wedding anniversary he took me to Prince Edward Island in Canada. We drove the entire way. I know what you are thinking. They are bees. Why didn't they fly? You see I may be Queen Bee but I have never flown in an airplane and do not intend to any time soon!
In case there are any other kindred spirits out there (only Anne fans would get that!), I thought I would share some pictures from our trip...
This is the house that inspired the author Lucy Maud Montgomery to write the series. You can take tours of the inside of the house...
and the grounds around the house. This is the Haunted Woods...

It was pretty spooky. Good thing Honey was with me.
and how about the "Lake of Shining Waters"

"Matthew" even took us on a carriage ride to a secluded beach.

It was gorgeous!
I had never been anywhere so beautiful!
The sand has a red tint and the water is crystal blue...
It was so peaceful and perfect! I want to go back!
There are plenty of other activities to do on the Island if "Anne" is not your thing, like hiking and biking. Not to mention sitting on the beach. The best thing about the Island is that it is not over commercialized. We stayed at a bed and breakfast as hotels are hard to find. I would like to go back sometime with Honey and take Bumble and Stinger. Technically Bumble was already there as I was pregnant with her when we went. Too bad she missed the view!
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