Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Big Day, Part 2

Yesterday gave me a new appreciation for construction workers.  They arrived at sunrise and left at sunset.  What a long day!  I guess I will begin with what our land looked like when Honey and I arrived yesterday.

There was a giant crane setting part of our home into place!

Here is a peek into our kitchen!  I wanted Honey to give me a "lift" to look inside but that probably would have been too dangerous.

Here they are unwrapping the next section that will get placed on the basement wall.

Honey probably went somewhere he shouldn't have went to take this photo of the fireplace, but I am glad he did!

Before the crane lifts a section into place they thread cables through holes that are spread out at the bottom of the house. 
Then the crane hoists it into place...
I also have a new found respect for crane operators! This part was really incredible to watch.
 Tomorrow you will see them flip up the roof and finish the dormers.  Hopefully you will get to see our new hive all completed!  

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